故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁168&*本幅畫波濤洶湧,達摩一葦東渡,漫漫雲間,天主駕護。達摩頂上化現雲氣,中有觀世音菩薩,菩薩頂上又現阿彌陀佛蓮台入定像。此圖為「無量壽佛會慶圖」冊第十二開。&*Waves churn in the ocean as Ta-mo (the first patriarch of Ch’an Buddhism) crosses the sea on a reed from India to China. In the limitless expanse of clouds, a Heavenly King oversees and protects his progress. Above Ta-mo is a manifestation of cloud vapors surrounding the Kuan-yin Bodhi-sattva. Above Kuan-yin’s head can be seen the A-mi-t’o (Amitābha) Buddha seated on his lotus pedestal in deep meditation. This painting is the twelfth leaf of the album of Buddhist subjects Wu-liang shou-fo hui-ch’ing t’u.